Project Brief
Cydcor, an outsourced sales and marketing company, needed a place to organize and host all the videos they've produced for events and social media so that members of the company and independent sales offices could reference all the amazing content that has been produced. The media library is now live at cydcorcommunity.com.
We went over the company's goals for the user – to be able to easily browse and successfully absorb helpful content from the public facing videos Cydcor has created. The marketing team and I started the problem solving process with a competitive analysis of how other video sites, currently available to the public, are organized.
High Fidelity Prototype
Using Adobe XD I drafted a high fidelity prototype of a few pages and quickly show the flow of the site to the Cydcor team and developer.
After the prototype, I fine tuned the message we wanted to communicate, how the site would look on other devices, and the interactions users would need to be successful with the page – such as functional playlists, sharing methods, impactful imagery, and easy to use navigation.
The final site includes easy to access categories, functional playlists, a search function, social media sharing, and more. Check it out at cydcorcommunity.com.