Project Brief
My mom and I did many fun things during her weekend visiting me, including ride a scooter, which is why she is riding one in the word map. Her and the scooter are placed thoughtfully on top of the days(Friday through Sunday) she was there as well. The rest of the week/type is reacting to the scooter and time she was there since it was the most important part of my week.
My intention was to create a visualization of my week and since it was the time my mom was there I had to think about what we did. I wanted to have the type around the scooter reacting to the movement. I felt the best way to accomplish this was to collage the piece by hand.
I started the word map by typing out my entire week and creating a scooter that included all the activities my mom and I did together. After a second look I decided to start the week at Tuesday so the scooter could be futher right on the page and leave more room for its trail. Once I placed words in their rightful spots I printed out the word map and started collaging it so it would have a more organic look. Lastly, I brought the scanned final into photoshop to create more contrast and a cleaner background.
The final typographic collage I gave to my Mom as a Christmas gift.
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